Friday, 15 October 2010


I've spent the past week or so coming up with an idea for my Photography 3A class and writing a proposal. I finally came up with the idea to continue a series I started in HND2 Documentary class of chairs. To give a bit more depth to this project I am shooting empty chairs to demonstrate the isolation and solitary feel an inanimate object can project.

Here are a couple of images from my chair series;

Their are a select few photographers who seem to influence a lot of my work, so naturally I'm using them as references for this project.

They are Francesca Woodman;

And Sarah Moon;

I also have a great love of the work of the directors Francis Ford Coppola and his daughter Sofia Coppola. The movies by them which particularly inspire me are...

'The Outsiders' by Francis Ford Coppola;

'Rumble Fish' by Francis Ford Coppola;

'The Virgin Suicides' by Sofia Coppola (I don't understand anyone who says they don't love this movie, if not for the story at least for the colours and the lighting.);

And fianlly 'Lick The Star' by Sofia Coppola;

Youtube the movie trailers if you haven't seen any of them. The Outsiders and Rumble Fish have been two of my favourite films for as long as I can remember, and they have become so much a part of me that I'm sure I can use them as influences for anything that I do.

Now that I've got my 2000 word proposal handed in I can start the fun stuff - planning the shoots, doing recces of locations and actually doing the shoots!

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