Tuesday 1 November 2011


I've found it really hard to get 'in to' this year at uni. I've found it hard to get the motivation and insperation. I've spent a lot of time reading Berger and Sontag and stressing over writing, so today I decided to actually look at why I'm doing this course - that is photography.

I've look at my old workbooks from HND and last year, and I've looked at my photography books and images on the internet. This year it's been far too easy to forget about taking photographs and concentrate on writing about the methods and theories behind them.

(I've not even done anything with my 'Dog' series for ages!)

I don't really have any images of my own to show you from this year yet, what I have taken is sitting waiting to be edited, even looked at and developed in some cases.

What I will put up on here is images that are influencing my Photoworks project. I changed my proposal for this after handin, so I may loose 10% on my new proposal because technically it was a late handin (the one I did hand in on time was an awful idea. Me in the studio shooting self-portraits? I don't think so). I'm shooting the patterns nature creates.

Even typing that makes me smile. What I've realised more and more over my degree is that a huge amount of my work is influenced by nature and what I really love is going out to the countryside and shooting the most beautiful and natural things in the world. I don't think I look like a countryside lover, but I am.


Horishi Sugimoto.

Thomas Joshua Cooper

Bernhard Edmaier

Just beautiful.

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